Three women

Three territorialities of origin

Three women. Three territorialities of origin. Three business cultures. Monteserico contains the resourcefulness of three young women, who strongly believed in the quality of Italian products. And, even more, in the enhancement of the Apulian and Lucanian territories, through top quality crops and food and wine products. A mix of skills, professional and life experiences, so that each product is characterized by the rigorous choice of the best raw materials and the careful observance of production techniques that combine tradition with the most advanced technologies. An ambitious business and cultural project, which also passes through an important path of internationalization.


Between Puglia and Basilicata

Churches, castles, cathedrals, enchanted villages and cities of art, trulli, farms and the centuries-old cult of extraordinary food. From the hill of Monteserico you can look at a border area between the tradition of Basilicata (known in the past as Lucania, when it included territories that now belong to Campania and Calabria) and the push towards the new of Puglia (the region further east of Italy). A macro area located in the heart of the Mediterranean, embraced by three dream seas, the Adriatic, Ionian and Tyrrhenian, and rich in history, culture and priceless finds.


The castle

Imposing, solid and lonely. It stands on a hill 550 meters above sea level and 15 km east of Genzano di Lucania, once a fortress in the village of Monteserico, which disappeared in the 15th century. Outpost of a frontier land, a stone sentinel that has watched over the bradanic valleys of Lucania for centuries and from which the gentle hills of the Apulian Murgia can be seen. All around, the dense woods have become fields of wheat and green meadows. Just as its very function has changed: from a defensive bulwark to a civil building. Its millenary tradition has always been a source of inspiration. And its name pays homage in culture, as well as in products, to a land once united under the aegis of Emperor Frederick II of Swabia, known everywhere as Stupor Mundi.

Agri-food excellence

A supply chain of DOP and IGP products

In these lands, DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) and IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) products abound, the excellence of Italian agri-food production. Puglia is characterized by the cultivation of wheat, but also by that of citrus fruits, 32 olive cultivars, almonds, apricots, cherries and red onions, as well as well-known products such as Altamura bread, podolic caciocavallo and canestrato and as many as 29 DOC, 4 DOCG and 6 IGT wines. Basilicata, the third Italian region for cereal production, stands out for the cultivation of fruit and vegetables such as peppers, beans, aubergines, strawberries, tomatoes, pistachios, oranges and chestnuts. The production of wines and extra virgin olive oils is also flourishing.